Stay tuned for upcoming events!



SHIFT: HR as the Transformation Partner

September 21, 2022 I 9:00 AM - 12:00 NN I LIVE VIA ZOOM

This year's 9th HR Innovation Conference is titled SHIFT: HR as the Transformation Partner. This Programme can help business leaders strengthen HR within the organization with the intention of creating a sound business impact.

Setbacks to Comebacks: Building a High Performing Q-ulture

Setbacks to Comebacks: Building a High Performing Q-ulture

September 30, 2021 | 9:30 AM to 12:00 NN I LIVE VIA ZOOM

With the theme Setbacks to Comebacks: Building a High Performing Q-ulture, the 2021 conference was a half-day learning session with the aim of equipping the participants with essential skills in leadership and management relevant to driving a successful cultural change in today’s business organization.


Women Making HERstory Webinar

March 25, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM | LIVE VIA ZOOM

This learning event is a gathering of women from different life genra who are able to make a difference in thier chosen field. The event will be a venue of inspiring, motivating stories of grit, womanhood, failures and successes and in return provide hope to all its attendees. Though short, the learning event will be highly interactive creating highly valuable learning experience.


Pivot or Perish Conference

OCTOBER 14-16, 2020 | 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM | LIVE VIA ZOOM

The conference will bring to the table useful tools to anticipate and manage organizational change to help the workforce adapt in the transformative journey, highly relevant discussion in the industry today.


A Legacy Built on Uplifting Lives

SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 | Q2 20th Anniversary Celebration

As we celebrate the milestones and achievements of the past, with the clients, friends, and partners who have travelled on this journey with us, we look forward to a bigger and brighter tomorrow and to many more years of #UpliftingLives!




How to be a Remote Engagement and Culture Champion

How to Manage Remote Teams for High Performance

Building a Culture of Innovation

Job Fairs

Virtual Career Fair 2020

HR Innovation Conference